What Email Templates Can Do for Your Small Business

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When your to-do list reaches its second page, this usually means that starting a business is gaining speed. It also means you probably don’t have the time to sit down and draft the perfect email from scratch. You just need to send one!

That’s where email templates come in:

  • Email templates include the right information
    You don’t need to sit down and list all the important information. The template already indicates what facts should go where. Just fill in the blanks.  
  • Email templates are easy to adapt to your own branding
    When you have a bit of time, email templates become your writing guide. The basic structure is there, and it doesn’t take much effort to add your own tone of voice.  
  • Email templates can save you time now and in the future
    If an email needs to go out fast, a template can help you check it off your list. You can save legwork in the long term too by saving (or even automating) them in your email client (e.g. Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail–see our guide on how to create Gmail templates).  

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Make your emails sound like you

Emails are great for communicating facts and figures. But sometimes they struggle to get your kindness and personality across. Think about how you’d welcome a customer in person, versus how you’d greet them in an email—the spoken words just sound so much more…You.

So when you set up email templates, take a moment to review them and ask yourself, “Does this sound like me? Does my brand personality come across?” When the answer’s “Yes,” hit save and you can re-use this email confidently as many times as you like.

It’s easier than you think. Fill in the form below and we’ll write the first one together.

4 tips for (almost) effortless emails

1. Schedule a time for answering emails

Reading and responding to emails doesn’t pay the bills. Your billable work does. Most emails can wait, so plan 15-30 minutes at the start and/or end of your work day for emails. If this doesn’t sound like enough time, we’re about to introduce you to a set of templates that will save you so much time you could get an extra hour in bed. Almost. 

Out with your “email time,” close your inbox and mute your notifications. If you’re worried you’ll miss something important, you can turn on your “out-of-office” auto-reply (template below).

2. Let your auto-reply do the work when you’re busy

You’ll also need a well written out-of-office message that goes out as an “auto-reply” when you’re on vacation or not available. This lets customers know you’ve received their message and when they can expect a reply. It’s a small touch that shows customers you care and stops you feeling obliged to answer every email right away.

3. End with a professional email signature

Signing off all your emails with a professional email signature doesn’t just show customers you’re legit—it gives them all the important info about your business without you having to manually add it to every email. Like your company name, website, phone number, social media handles, and even your professional credentials.

4. Templates: never write the same email twice

What information do you send out at least once a week? There are lots of standard messages you’ll use regularly as a small business owner. Like sending an invoice to a client, following up after sending a quote, or asking customers to book an appointment on your website. Turn those emails into email templates and you’ll save hours every week.

You can also add the same information to the FAQ on your website to prevent these questions in the first place.

We’ve put together a full set of standard email templates for small business owners, with formal and casual versions of each template. Download them for free and customize them with your voice and branding, and you’ll have all your important emails covered.

Click here to download your email templates

Small business email templates

These email templates will save you time, hassle, and brainpower everyday. And when you run a business, the best paperwork is less paperwork.

Sending an invoice

Sending an invoice is one of the most satisfying things you’ll do as a small business owner. You’ve set your rate. You’ve done the work. Now it’s time to get paid. Not necessarily in that order—you might take a deposit up front or require payments at set milestones. However, you invoice clients, it’s nothing to feel awkward about. Your client knows an invoice is coming, and it’s the most natural thing in the world to get paid for the work you do. 

Subject line:

Your Invoice invoice number from your business name is Due On due date

Email content:

Dear name,

Please find attached your latest invoice for amount which is due on due date.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Kind regards,

Email signature

Subject line:

Your invoice is ready! Due by due date

Email content:

Hi name,

I hope you’re well and that the muscle ache from your run wasn’t too bad!

As agreed, I have attached your invoice for name of project or service completed on date. This invoice is due on due date.

All the payment details you need are included on the invoice and if you have any questions please let me know.

It’s been a pleasure working with you and I hope you’ll keep me in mind when similar projects come up in future.

Many thanks,

Email signature

Click here to download invoice and payment templates

Sending a payment reminder

You’ve sent the invoice. The deadline has passed. And no payment has reached your bank account. It shouldn’t happen, but it does. Your late payment email should make it clear you expect to get paid and that it’s time for your client to act. We’ve also included a ‘due soon’ email because a friendly reminder can go a long way to helping you avoid late payments altogether. 

In the email templates below you will read about a late fee. Rules around late fees can be very different depending on your area or industry. Please check which rules apply to your business before you send any of these templates or apply a late fee.

Payment due soon

Subject line:

Reminder: Invoice invoice number from business name is Due Tomorrow

Email content:

Dear name,

This is a reminder to let you know that Invoice invoice number is due tomorrow. As per my Terms and Conditions, a late payment fee will apply if payment becomes overdue by set number of days after which a late fee applies days.

I’d appreciate it if you could confirm that this is on track for payment.

If you have already arranged payment, please ignore this reminder.

Kind regards,

Email signature

Subject line:

Payment Reminder: Invoice invoice number is due tomorrow

Email content:

Hi name,

I hope you’re doing well. This is a friendly reminder that invoice invoice number is due tomorrow. As per my Terms and Conditions, a late payment fee will apply to payments overdue by set number of days after which a late fee applies days.

Please could you look into this from your side and confirm that payment has been arranged?

Many thanks,

Email signature

Payment overdue

Subject line:

Late Payment Reminder: Invoice invoice number from business name is Now Overdue

Email content:

Dear name,

This is a reminder to let you that Invoice invoice number is now overdue. As per my Terms and Conditions, a late payment fee will apply if payment becomes overdue by set number of days after which a late fee applies days.

Please arrange your payment as soon as possible.

If you have already arranged payment, please ignore this reminder.

Kind regards,

Email signature

Subject line:

Late Payment Reminder: Invoice invoice number is now overdue

Email content:

Hi name,

I’m writing to let you know that invoice invoice number is now overdue. As per my Terms and Conditions, a late payment fee will apply to payments overdue by set number of days after which a late fee applies days.

Please could you look into this from your side? I’d appreciate it if you could update me on this today.

As always, if you have any questions please let me know.

Many thanks,

Email signature

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Late fee applied

Subject line: 

Late Payment Fee Notice: Invoice invoice number from business name is Overdue

Email content:

Dear name,

This is a reminder that Invoice invoice number due on due date is now overdue by number of days or weeks since due date. As per my Terms and Conditions, a late payment fee now applies.

Please arrange your payment today.

If you have already paid this invoice, please ignore this reminder.

Kind regards,

Email signature

Subject line:

Late Payment Reminder: Invoice invoice number is overdue

Email content:

Hi name,

I’m writing to let you know that invoice invoice number is still overdue. As per my Terms and Conditions, a late payment fee now applies.

Please could you arrange payment and give me an update today? As a small business, I rely on timely payments to keep serving my customers, which I’m sure you will appreciate.

As always, I’m happy to help if you have any questions.

Many thanks,

Email signature

Click here to download invoice and payment templates

Sending a quote

You’ve wrapped up your first sales talk with a potential client, you go back and crunch the numbers, then send over your quote. If your client scans the mail quickly, they should be able to find the most important information at a glance. Make it clear that the client has to confirm with you first before any work can start.

Busy clients usually appreciate clear information, so reading the full amount of the quote in the mail is practical. As a small business owner it can still feel awkward to include it. If you worry that your client will see the price without connecting it to the full value of your services, you can choose not to mention the amount.

Subject line:

Your business name: Quote for project name

Email content:

Dear name,

Following our chat on date, please find attached your quote for name or description of project as requested.

In our last conversation, we discussed several open questions. I have now answered these below and included further details in the attached quote.

What is the ETA for missing components?

All required components are now in stock.

The quote total is amount. This offer is valid until expiry date.

I am available to start work on project from starting date, pending your approval of the attached quote. Please let me know by reply if you’d like to go ahead.

Kind regards,

Email signature

Subject line:

Your business name: Your Quote for project name is Ready!

Email content:

Hi name,

It was great to talk to you on day or date and find out a bit more about name or description of project. I’ve taken a closer look at the details, and I’m now pleased to share your quote below.

Here are the open questions we discussed, which I’ve now answered:

When can the missing parts be here?

Since I need these regularly anyway, I included some in my last order. I now have everything I need for your project in stock.

The total cost will be amount plus or including taxes. This quote is valid until expiry date and I’ve attached a detailed quote to this email.

If you’re happy to go ahead, my next available start date is currently date, so please let me know if this works for you.

Many thanks,

Email signature

Click here to download quote templates

Following up after a quote

Busy clients can often forget to check or respond to emails. You can keep your quote front of mind by sending a followup email to remind them that they need to act quickly to secure your services. Do they need to accept your quote in writing, pay their deposit, agree a start date and/or deadline for delivery? This email is about reopening the conversation to close the deal. 

Subject line:

Your business name: Quote for project name expires on expiry date

Email content:

Dear name,

Thanks again for requesting a quote for name or description of project. This is a reminder that your quote, as sent on date, is valid until end date. You will find a copy of the quote attached to this email.

If you’d like to go ahead with the project, please confirm by reply by end date. I’m also available to answer any questions or amend the scope of work as necessary.

Kind regards,

Email signature

Subject line:

Your business name: Your quote for project name is valid until expiry date

Email content:

Hi name,

This is just a reminder that your quote for project name, sent on date, is valid until expiry date. I’ve attached a copy to this email for your reference.

Before I can start work I need confirmation from you, so I wanted to check if you have any questions?

I’m looking forward to working on project name. If you want to go ahead, please let me know by date and we can get started!

Many thanks,

Email signature

Click here to download quote templates

Invitation for a speaking event

Speaking at an event or webinar is a great way to establish yourself as an authority in your field and attract new customers. Just don’t forget to invite your existing contacts! Let them know you care and remind them that they have access to an industry expert, by sending them an invitation that tells them exactly why the event is worth their time.

Subject line: 

Learn more about topic of talk from my talk at event

Email content:

Dear name,

As part of the upcoming event on event date I will present a project I have been working on for client.

Working on this project produced many new insights that I would be happy to share.

You can attend the talk via this live stream.

I would suggest a meeting afterwards to discuss the use of these principles in the work I do for your company.

In case the timing doesn’t fit your schedule, I will be happy to share a recording after the event.

Looking forward to seeing you at event,

Email signature

Subject line:

You’re invited! I’ll be speaking on topic at event

Email content:

Hi name,

Are you interested in learning more about topic? I’ll be speaking on the topic at event on event date and wanted to give you an early invite.

I’ll be digging deeper into a recent project I worked on with client / collaborator and sharing how you can apply our learnings in your own work to describe benefit. You might have heard me mention it already because I learned so much during the process!

You can watch / listen / join via this link.

I would love to catch up afterwards and see if we can apply some of the same principles at your company.

Not available on event date? No worries! Just let me know, and I’ll send you a link to the recording.

Hope to see you there,

Email signature

Click here to download invitation templates

Invitation for a trade fair

If you’re going to be visiting or exhibiting at an industry event, inviting your existing clients shows that you care about them and value your relationship. It’s also a good opportunity to reconnect and discuss any upcoming projects. 

Subject line: 

Your Invitation to event from Your business name

Email content:

Dear name,

As you may already know, the event name is fast-approaching!

This year’s event is taking place on event date and I’d like to invite you to visit me at the your business name stand while you’re there. My stand will be located at area or location of stand where I’ll be all day / from X to X showcasing my latest projects and catching up with clients old and new.

I’ll also be giving a keynote speech on topic in venue at time. This is a free session but please arrive early as space is limited.

If you have anything you’d like to discuss at the event, just drop by the stand or reply to this email to schedule an appointment in advance. I look forward to seeing you there.

Kind regards,

Email signature

Subject line: 

Come and meet me on event date at event

Email content:

Hi name,

It’s that time of year again! The event is coming up on event date. But I have more exciting news: this time I’ll be there with my own stand!

The your business name stand will be located at area or location of stand and I’ll be there all day / from X to X showcasing my latest projects and, of course, catching up with clients and friends. Please drop in for a coffee and a chat! I’d love to see you there. I may even have a few of my latest projects to show you…

I’ll also be giving a keynote speech on topic which you’re welcome to join for me at time in venue.

Looking forward to seeing you on event date,

Email signature

Click here to download invitation templates

Contact form received

Visitors who contact you through your website don’t know what happens after they hit “Send.” A simple auto-reply can help you set the right expectations and keep them interested while they await your reply.

Subject line:

Your business name: Thanks for your message

Email content:

Dear name,

I’m pleased to hear that you’re interested in finding out more about what your business name can do for you.

I’ve now received your message and will get back to you as soon as possible. Until then, you might find some interesting information in my FAQ: website.com/faq

For urgent inquiries, please call 0123-456 789.

Kind regards,

Email signature

Subject line:

Thanks for getting in touch with your business name!

Email content:

Hi, thanks for writing in. It’s great to hear from you.

I check this email regularly during business hours (9:00 – 17:00) so you should hear back from me soon.

How about a look at my latest projects on my Instagram while you wait? Head over to my Instagram: instagram.com/your Instagram

Many thanks,

Email signature

Offering client appointments

How many emails need to go back and forth before an appointment is booked in? You can save time by sending people to the booking system on your website. This template is useful for any repeating service: medical appointments, maintenance checks, tax declarations…

Tip: An email template does not always have to be a full email. You can set up a template that only contains a sentence with the link, like “You can book an appointment on my website.” Use this simple template in any email conversation.

Subject line: 

Your business name: Book your type appointment online

Email content:

Dear name,

It’s close to 6 months since your last dental checkup. You can book an appointment for your next visit through my website:

Book now

Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to give me a call.

Email signature

Subject line:

Your business name: Let’s schedule your type check up

Email Content:

Hi name,

It’s almost 6 months since your last type check up. If you are as busy as I am, making the appointment is easily forgotten.

So let’s schedule an appointment right now:

Click here to book your appointment

And don’t forget to add it to your calendar!

See you soon,

Email signature

Bring your business online with Jimdo.

Sending a download link

There are for files you send out regularly. Like your wedding supplies catalog, instructions for a photoshoot, or the user manual for a machine you sell. Making them available as downloads on your website will reduce questions and save you time.

For recurring events it’s great to set up a template that you can fill for the occasion. Like the current rankings from your monthly league or the weekly specials in your restaurant.

Situations where you send a download link are very different for small businesses. So below you’ll find two examples, with markings for the different parts of the mail. Just update them with your information, and you are ready to send!

Subject line:

Your business name: Download describe the file on my website

Email content:

Dear name,

short introduction First, let me congratulate you on your upcoming marriage. I wish you all the happiness in the world and would be delighted to help you celebrate your special day.

context for the download To answer your questions about the options available at name of your venue, I have attached my catalog. In here, you will find images and feature summaries for each of our rooms.

easily recognizable download link Download the catalog here

extra info about the file Should you have any special requests that you don’t see in the catalog, please do get in touch, and I’ll be happy to help. I understand that no two weddings are the same and I will do my utmost to organize the day exactly as you imagine it.

closing Of course, there’s nothing quite like walking into your dream venue and imagining it come to live. When you’re ready, please call me on 0987654 321 to arrange your private tour at a time to suit you.

Kind regards,

Email signature

Subject line: 

Your business name: Download describe the file on my website

Email content:

Hi name,

short introduction Your photoshoot is coming up next week. Are you excited?

context for the download Over the years, I’ve learned a few things about what makes an amazing photoshoot—and what doesn’t. So to help you get the most out of your session, I’ve packed all my expert tips into an easy-to-read guide. You’ll find practical advice, outfit tips, and examples from some of my favorite shoots.

easily recognizable download link Download the guide here

extra info about the file This photoshoot is for you, and you’ll always feel more comfortable when you know what to expect. This guide is your first step to images you’ll treasure for a lifetime.

closing Looking forward to seeing you next week!

Email signature

Setting up an out-of-office reply

Whether you’re on vacation or just taking a break for the weekend, there are times when you shouldn’t be answering emails. That’s why you set an out-of-office reply: an email that is automatically sent out as a response to incoming emails. It gives your clients crucial information, sets expectations, and gives you peace of mind in your free time. 

Subject line:

I will be out of office until date

Email content:


Thank you for your email.

I’m currently out of the office. If you have an urgent matter, please contact replacement at contact option.

Otherwise, I will respond following my return on return date.

Kind regards,

Email signature

Subject line: 

I’m out of office until date

Email content:


Thanks for getting in touch.

I’m not in the office right now and will be available again from return date. So please bear with me, and I’ll respond to you then.

If you’re looking for someone urgently, I can highly recommend other business. I know they do great work.

Many thanks,

Email signature

Click here to download your email templates

Setting up a professional email signature

Your email signature does more than just look official at the end of your emails. Depending on your country and industry, you may have specific rules about the information it should include. 

Please note that Jimdo cannot and does not give legal advice. If you’re not sure what information you must include in your email signature, consult a legal expert to check it fulfills  the legal requirements for your country.

Most signatures include standard information like: 

  • Your name
  • Your position or job title
  • Company name & logo
  • Website URL
  • Contact options, like your phone number or LinkedIn profile

Design a logo that makes your business stand out.

Sometimes there are additional legal requirements, depending on your country, industry or your business structure—ie. if you trade as a sole proprietor, as a limited company, or a corporation.

Here’s a basic signature template:

your name

position or job title

company name | business address | website URL

call to action

your logo

Finishing off your email signature with a call-to-action (or CTA) is a no-brainer if you have something to promote. Maybe you want contacts to connect with you on LinkedIn, book an appointment on your website, check out your portfolio, or buy tickets for your event—just don’t let this useful space go to waste! 

Here’s are two examples:

Ramsey L. Adders

Assistant Coach


Burrelton Rovers FC | 15 Offside Lane, Townsville, WA


Book seats for our next game here.

Miss L. Ain

Head Coach



Memorandum Brain Training | 8 My Quays, Bedfordshire, UK | www.memorandumbt.co.uk

Forgot why you’re here? Follow me on LinkedIn for daily brain training tips.

Click here to download your email templates

Make your business communication easier

Using email templates like the ones above will help you to keep a professional and consistent tone of voice in your business communication. Templates can save you time in drafting mails and make sure that all necessary information is included. 

If you want to get your business communication off to a great start, download the full set of email templates. 

After downloading you can tweak the templates to match your branding.

Bring your business online with Jimdo.

The Jimdo blog is made for all entrepreneurs—everyone with their own idea or project. Here you will find interesting information about founders and start-ups, current trends and exciting stories from other Jimdo users as well as great website tips on design, shop, SEO and more.